I thank all of you, both to come and post comments and make a reference to my give-away. Thank you so much I've got so many new followers and through you I had access to even more miniature blog. So now I will be busy with updating me on everything that happens on your blog.
I wish I could send a gift to all of you, you have earned it. I send lots of good wishes and good karma to you all and best wishes for a creative spirit to all of you.
I welcome.
Puikotjakoukku- Eliana Martins- Venice- Patrizia- Soffy- Debbie- Amary- Minilys
Miniature- Chris P`s minis and more- JAZZI- Kathleen- Rocio-AHRPEEBA- Giraultclaude-Villa
Conejo-Victoria Rocus- Figurettes-Folk Artist K Arthur- Tonì Gago- Karine L- Anne-
Patricia Rivas- Krùmel- Belèn Lahorca- Candy- ChrisColàs- Beatriz Sanchez
I know I've lost track, there are some of you I have not found blog on, will you, please, come and write your blog `s name, and I will visit you.
I thought I could just use the number generator, but I could not figure it out. I used it a little unfinished and took a copy, it looks a little odd, but works.
There are 104 comments, of which 2 are repeats therefore we land at 102
Great welcome to all new followers. It is my intention to come by and visit your blog and post a comment. Have I not been by your blog and you are listed below, please write to me, it means that I have lost my view.
I am very happy for all the comments I have received from both old and new followers. It is very overwhelming, but absoult in a good way. I have access to so many interesting blog and am looking forward to follow you.
Thanks to all of you who have made a reference to my giveaway. Thank you so much for it, it's you who have helped me to get access to all these inspiring blog - people.
Sognatriceabordo-Mcddiss-Jette Jæger-Jmcddiss-Bárbara Gutiérrez-Patricia Gomez Alonso-liliam1961-Alice-Teruka-julialq1965-Contrastes - Rosa Mª-Marian-Jennybee-gloria rabadan-monica ,http://minilusion.blogspot.com/-Sirkku-maria l.-malu2-Eva-tatalamaru-Marver-PAKY-Ruth Ramaekers-Susi-Tonyina-Jody-Bercuhi Kip-Mª Jesus-Cote-Jose Cobo-Mary-Jorgelina-Rosella-Loly Rodriguez-cristina f-Mariana Lança-ebru-Eva-Ruth L,-fillitsa's handmades-Iris-CWPoppets-Sophie-Margaret-mariana belmonte-pilarcorada_d-Gemma-ANGELES-zahnmelanie-Indy_Poppy-Marijke van Ooijen-luisa-Francesca-Lavecinita- Jose Ramon Santana Vazquez
If your name not here, and I have not visited you, maybe it is because I have lost track. However, it may also be, I have not been able to find your blog. Whatever the reason is, please help me to find you.
Lots of hugs and kisses for new as well as old followers.
I have gone completely in black and white ... and boxes ... and a little fabric ...
I thought, black and white is so elegant!!!!
A lady who are for black and white, must have a chemise!!