Thursday 8 May 2014

Great Success

I had great success at the Farum Fair. I met and talked with so many nice people. I got so much feedback from happy customers and future customers. I got sold out of many of items. It was a great experience. I plan to attend again next year.
It was also great to talk to other sellers, I met so many nice and great people, got some contacts for future cooperation.

A truly brilliant day and brilliant sales and I met so many great people.

I have also worked hard to achieve this result. This whole year I have been working 80 hours a week. I got up early and gone to bed late. work every weeekend.
However, it has cost my health. I've got stress again, so I have to take a new direction in my life. I still have to make miniature, but less, than before. I'm planning, getting a dog here in the summer.

So, it will take some time before I visit your blog again. I have no strength. I must now try to get my strength back, but I'm not good to relax, I'm not good at doing nothing.
Unfortunately I did not take so many pictures. 

Both of my daughters were with me, here the youngest. We had all 3, white shirts on and I  have put my logo on the shirt.
They enjoyed themselves very much. On Saturday we were really busy, so it was so
good to be 3

Thank you, for being here. 
Take care of yourself. 
Hugs and many thoughts


  1. me alegro mucho de que te fuese tan bien la feria que hayas decidido volver el año que viene , pero deberias tomartelo con un poco de calma, el estres no es bueno



  2. Cuanto me alegro del éxito en la feria y que además pudieras disfrutar con la gente,lo has pasado muy bien y eso es importante,enhorabuena!!!

  3. Congrats! Great to hear you had a great time there Wyrna! :)

  4. Have a good rest now and enjoy the spring and summer, soon coming.

  5. Congratulations on having a lot of success on the miniature fair, Wyrna :D!! It is good to hear you've had a great time and good sales. You deserved it by working so hard on your miniatures, but you really have to take care for yourself and for your health!! Because stress is not good....for no one, so take all the time you'll need to recover, and to take the right decisions to go on in the future.
    Big hug, Ilona

  6. How nice to read about your succes but I'm sorry to hear that it has cost you your health. Hope you'll recover soon. It is hard to relax but needed to recover! The pictures look great and I wish i could heve seen it myself.

  7. I'm very happy for you Wyrna. Success at the show is a wonderful feedback. Now you really must take good care of yourself. This is
    very important. It should be fun not stress to do miniatures.
    Your table is very beautiful with lovely miniatures and in good taste.
    Hugs, Drora

  8. Congrats on having a lot of succes at the fair Wyrna! That is wonderful and very important for you! Your table is gorgeous with all the details!
    I am sorry to hear about your stress! Now please, take care for yourself.... Go for a walk and listen to the nature and birds :) Take much time just for yourself!
    Warm Hugs

  9. Hello Wyrna, your exhibition at the fair looked great and you made so made pretty miniatures; I can believe you sold well! But please take care of your health; having a passion is a magnificent thing but don't let it take over your life and health! I think it's a good descision of you to slow down a little bit.....your talent will always be there, ready to be used when you want to. Hugs.

  10. What a wonderful display. Every item is delightful, pretty and well made. Congratulations on doing so well - BUT....I remember once reading "Measure your success by what you had to give up to achieve it". In this case it would seem you have paid a price with your health. Please stand back. Be really proud of what you have achieved and now make minis for fun and relaxation only until you are fully restored again. By the way, what a beautiful daughter you have! Well done again. Best wishes, Carol :)

  11. Me alegro mucho de tu éxito en la feria. Ahora toca descansar y recuperar fuerzas.
    Un abrazo

  12. Hello Wyrna,
    I am so happy the show was successful, but I am not surprised since I know the quality of your work. Take time and rest my friend, we will be waiting for you when you get back.
    Big hug,

  13. Congratulations Wyrna! Your miniatures are exquisite! No wonder it was a success at the fair. But you really must rest now! Health is more important than anything else. I wish you a speedy recovery and a quiet and smooth relaxation time. Do take care of yourself! Hugs xoxoxo

  14. Congratulations for the success at the fair Wyrna, and can't wait to see your new dog, you will post a picture, yes? :) Have a break, you deserve it. Don't worry about keeping up with blogs at all.

  15. I am so glad the fair was a success for you! The pictures just remind me of how beautiful your work is.
    I am sure this is a temporary condition and as soon as you get some rest you will be back even stronger!
    Get well soon my friend! I will see you when you get back!

  16. Oh wonderful Wyrna! I knew your display would be beautiful and successful. Like all things even miniatures and hobbies are sometimes work. Just take some time to relax and enjoy things for a while.

    When you are rested and not under pressure you will find the joy again.

    Big hugs an lots of relaxation! ~J

  17. I'm so pleased for you that it was a success. Now try to do things that are not too stressful and go on making miniatures but taking your time.

  18. Дорогая Wyrna!
    Вы очень много работала! Берегите свое здоровье. Сейчас побольше отдыхайте, наслаждайтесь весной!
    Приятно слышать, что вы имели огромный успех на ярмарке! Это очень заслуженный успех! Вы прекрасный художник! У вас великолепный вкус! У вас хорошие и красивые помощницы:) :) :)

  19. Congratulations! and now to rest and regain health. a hug, Marisa

  20. It's not very surprising to me that the show was a success for you and that visitors/customers loved your beautiful work - so congrats, it's of course good if hard work gets its award. But the price you've paid for this is far too high, I'm so sorry to hear about your stress and you being so much exhausted. Please, please take your time now to recover, to gain strength again and to enjoy spring.

    Best wishes and hugs

  21. Hello from Spain: congratulations on attending the fair. Beautiful creations. A great success. Keep in touch

  22. Congratulations on a successful fair! It is so nice that your daughters were able to help you. Please take time now to rest and recover and we will all be here when you are ready to blog again.

  23. Im so happy to hear that it was a success (but I knew it would be) please take care of yourself and relax, I had stress before and it's not good it gave me terrible migranes, I had to be medicated a dog will help you relax, choose one that likes you :)


  24. Congratulations on the show Wyrna.
    All your things are beautiful!


  25. Congratulations on your great and deserved success! I'm sorry about your stress. Now take care of yourself

  26. Felicidades por tan exitosa feria, sus trabajos son todos muy hermosos. Cuidese mucho para que reponga pronto nuevas energías.

  27. It nice you had a great time at the fair and your sales were good. Glad your daughter were there to help too. I understand how stressful it can be as well, so please take as much downtime as you need but don't over do it!

  28. Me alegro mucho que la experiencia haya sido positiva , todo un éxito. Ahora te toca recuperarte, cuídate, besos:-)

  29. Hi Wyrna, Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your success. I'm so happy that you did well at the fair (no surprise). But I'm so sad to hear that you've lost the health you worked so hard to regain before. As Birgit said, it is too high a price to pay. Now it is time for rest, relaxation, and recuperation. The blogs will be here when you come back. Do things that are relaxing and fun, my friend! Then you can share your passion for life with your loved ones, who care about you so much. I'm waiting for your happy, healthy return, sweet friend! xo Jennifer

  30. Congratulations Wyrna for your success at the Fair! I am sorry to hear it took too much from you and caused so much stress. It is such a tricky thing to balance our lives with the work and the passion to create.... I hope you get some long deserved rest! If you don't take care of yourself, you have nothing to give to others. Your work is so beautiful.... I hope you can keep making it.... but perhaps at a slower pace so you can keep your health! It is your health that matters more than anything else! Take care!

  31. Wyrna I am not surprised you did well at the show because of your beautiful items and your passion. I am glad you enjoyed the show and that your daughters were there to help you. Now please take some time to take care of yourself. Take care you do not lose your enjoyment of miniatures. It is a hard to balance earning an income from a hobby yet still retaining your love of the hobby, especially when we never have enough hours in a day.

  32. It's wonderful that you had a successful time at the fair but take some well earned time out now and relax! xx

  33. Congratulations on your much deserved success. Everything you make is so beautiful. I am sorry to hear that it has affected your health stress is not good. I hope you are better soon. Relax and enjoy some me time. Take care of yourself we will be here when you are feeling better.
    Hugs Maria

  34. Hallo Wyrna !
    Ich freue mich mit ihnen, das die Ausstellung so erfolgreich war.
    Leider ist Preis der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefinden zu hoch um es aufs Spiel zu setzen. Bitte nehmen sie sich jetzt eine lange Auszeit um wieder Kraft zu finden. Wir warten auf sie, egal wie lange es dauert.
    Ich wünsche nun ganz viel Gesundheit, Glück und Zufriedenheit.
    Liebe Grüße
    Bis bald !!!

  35. Es maravilloso compartir lo que amas con los tuyos. Como siempre un trabajo elegante, con ese estilo vintage tan especial que solo tu tienes, todo precioso.
    Un abrazo.

  36. I'm so happy for you Wyrna, wonderful miniatures, but, must take a rest, you're absolutely right, not abuse of work because, in fact, it costs you your health. Take care of yourself, take a rest, replenish forces and follows a more consistent work schedule ... Many hugs.

  37. Enhorabuena,tomate un pequeño descanso pero no nos olvides eh?,besitos

  38. I´m happy that you had such a great success and fun with your daughters!

  39. Congratulations Wyrna! I'm very happy for you. Your items are wonderful.

  40. Grattis! Jag visste att det skulle gå bra för dig! Jag är så glad att det gjorde det! Jag kände ju också av stressen, och jobbade flera timmar om dagen innan mässan och fick ta en liten paus när jag kom hem. Men det är en rolig upplevelse med mässa. Hoppas det går lika bra om inte bättre på din nästa mässa. =)
    Kram Hannah

  41. Your stand was beautiful! I saw some photos and videos of it online on Youtube! Hope you had a fantastic time. It looked like there were a ton of fabulous tables!

  42. Félicitations ! Le succès était au rendez -vous, c'est quasiment normal, vos miniatures sont tellement belles. Reposez vous et profitez de vos filles. Le temps passe si vite ! Bisous. Rosethé

  43. Brava Wyrna, non avevo dubbi che la mostra sarebbe stata un successo!
    Capisco le ore che hai passato nel lavorare in miniatura e soprattutto che ora sei stana. E' accaduta la stessa cosa a me per prepararmi a Miniaturitalia.
    Un caro abbraccio.Manu

  44. Hi Wyrna, I already posted on your other blog congratulating you for your great success on the fair. It's so nice that your daughters were there with you and I think, even if stressful, it must have been a delight to have them there with you. I'm sorry to hear about your health and maybe next time, you could start earlier in time to make minis for your future shows. When something you love makes you feel bad, then it's time to think about how to restructure the time you spend making minis. Your health is the most important thing: without it you can't make minis and you need to be healthy. Anyway, I'm sure you will have time to get better and full of energy again! Big hug!

  45. I'm sure you are tired! You worked so much! But you do such beautiful work.

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